
So, What's Inside this Book?

You will embark on a transformative journey with Dr. Adel Roy as she unravels the profound questions surrounding life's purpose and your untapped potential in this book.

 You're invited to ask yourself questions like these:


  • Am I truly living in alignment with my life's mission and inherent values?


  • How do I explore the depths of my soul and embrace the path to a renewed self?

"ESTABLISH" delves into the spiritual dimensions of discovering effective career paths and meaningful connections. Dr. Roy asserts that each of us possesses a unique calling, purpose waiting to be identified.

Amidst inner turmoil and the chaos of life, many remain unaware of their genuine purpose, experiencing a perpetual state of drifting without direction.

Let this book serve as a guide to those who seek to ignite the dormant potential within themselves.

Dr. Roy emphasizes that by recognizing and living in alignment with our existential calling, we can contribute to the advancement of mankind.              

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